Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Did Your Home Not Sell?

Do you have a home for sale in the Utah Real Estate market? Has it not sold yet? You may be asking why?

While there are many different reasons for a home not selling, there are two that stand out the most.

The first one is price. Are you priced too high? The second one is related to your agent. Did your agent not properly market your home to potential buyers?

It seems now days that there is a growing number of agents that are trying to earn more for less. Their whole listing presentation is centered around doing less. No ads in the paper, flyers, internet ads, no open houses, and ect.

Guess what? That is how homes sell! You don't just throw it up on the Utah MLS and cross your fingers like most agents do now days. It's our job as an agent to be top notch marketers and to get your home out there for everyone to see.

Don't settle for paying a high commission to an agent that is going to simply throw your home on the MLS and beat you up on price.

If you would like to sit down and review my comprehensive marketing plan to get your home sold please call, text, or email me anytime day or night. or 801-499-0214

Monday, January 7, 2013

2013 Projected Utah Homes For Sale

Happy New Year! I figured I'd better post to ring in the new year for 2013.

A lot is going on with the Utah Housing Market and most of it is positive. Rates are still incredibly low and home loans are getting easier to obtain.

Now for the bad news...prices are rising due to lack of inventory that is out there. Homes are getting multiple offers and to be honest with you the homes on the market aren't even that great

I think you will see a lack of homes until prices get high enough that some of the homeowners that are under water on their mortgages can break even.

Either way with interest rates as low as they are I think now would be a great time to buy a home for sale in Utah. Even if it isn't quite what you want there is a lot of room to be able to make it the home you want!

Call, text, or email me at anytime to discuss your options! Justin Robins 801-499-0214 or